Dr. Sergio Vañó Galván is a dermatologist and hair surgeon expert in hair research, director of the Hair Disorders Unit of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital and the Hair Disorders and Hair Transplant Unit of Pedro Jaén Group Clinic, in Madrid. He holds a PhD in Medicine and an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the University of Alcalá. He is the Secretary General of the Spanish Society of Dermatology (AEDV).
He is former President of the Spanish Hair Research Society (2019-2023). Dr. Vañó-Galván leads an active research group in the study of different forms of alopecia (#TricoHRC). Dr. Vañó-Galván has published more than 300 scientific articles in Pubmed (h-index of 32) and he is a regular guest speaker in international congresses of hair research.
He is the Secretary General of the European Hair Research Society and member of the American Hair Research Society. He is Director of the International Master's Degree in Hair Disorders and Hair Transplantation at the University of Alcalá.
Future President of the World Congress for Hair Research (Madrid, 2028) Dr. Vañó-Galván also works as a Section Editor in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and is an active user of social networks (@SergioVanoG, more information at: https://sergiovano.com/en/index.html).